This is how we activate specialist tradespeople with display advertising for AEG Haustechnik

Aims of the AEG “Heißer Herbst” campaign
- Specialist tradespeople are to receive a heating appliance free of charge when buying AEG hot water appliances.
- The aim of the B2B Alert was to draw the attention of as many specialist tradespeople as possible to the campaign.
Solution approach B2B Alert
- Selection of suitable signal transmitters (specialist portals) for the target audience of specialist tradespeople from the B2B audience pool.
- Additional use of keyword matching on the specialist portals to narrow down relevant users (target audience).
- Creation of a landing page by AEG Haustechnik
- Targeted retrieval of skilled tradespeople anywhere on the web via our technology.
- Specialist tradespeople are made aware of the “Heißer Herbst” with banner advertising all over the web.
- Leading the potentially interested parties to the AEG landing page.

The results
- By using different banner formats, 40,000 potential customers could be addressed with the campaign.
- Over 2,700 website visitors were measured during the campaign period.
- The visitor rate of the “Heißer Herbst” campaign was 5.50% in the end.
"The Aumago B2B Alert enabled us to address exactly the target audience that was relevant to our campaign. The fact that other marketing measures also benefited was a nice side effect."
AEG is one of the pioneers in the use of electricity. For 125 years, AEG has been convincing as a brand supplier in the project business with innovative products “Made in Germany”. Reliability is its strength – in product development, AEG Haustechnik sets the highest standards in terms of quality, technology and design.